Our hearts go out to all of the communities affected by Cyclone Alfred.
If your power is out, check with your distributor for details and likely restoration times. (You’ll find their details and other helpful information here.)
For Momentum Energy customers who've been impacted by this weather event, the last thing you should be concerned about right now is your energy account. So please be reassured that we have financial support available for energy bills.
When you're ready, please get in touch.
You'll talk to people who are specifically trained to help you in difficult circumstances. They'll explain how we can help and work with you to set up the right kind of practical financial help for your situation.
QLD – Queensland disasters and emergenciesQLD – Queensland natural disaster assistanceNSW - NSW Disaster Assistance National – Services Australia – disaster support National – Disaster recovery payment
QLD – disaster.qld.gov.au/warningsNSW - bom.gov.au/nsw/warnings
QLD Bureau of MeterologyNSW State Emergency Service NSW Bureau of Meterology