What is Consumer Data Right?
Consumer Data Right (CDR) lets you share information that businesses have about you in a safe and secure way. It's a system that's closely regulated by the Australian Federal Government and has been rolled out through the energy industry.
One common way you might use your CDR with your data is if you're comparing energy plans using a comparison site.
Is it safe to use CDR?
Along with providing you with more control over your data, CDR is designed for the highest levels of privacy and security. This system has been setup by the Federal Government and is closely monitored by the Australian Competition and Consumer
Commission (ACCC). They regulate which businesses are accredited to be handling information like this.
Momentum takes this very seriously. And you can see our commitment in our CDR Policy and also our Privacy Policy.
How do I share data?
You're able to share your CDR data with accredited third parties. You access it through a CDR-accredited provider's website or app. Certified providers are listed at the Government site: https://www.cdr.gov.au/find-a-provider
Here's the step-by-step process for using CDR:
- The site or app will prompt you to give consent to access your Momentum data.
- Momentum confirms your ID with a one-time code sent to your email address.
- The site or app confirms the data you'd like to share and for how long.
- Data is shared securely between providers.
- You can then use that data with the third party.
You can also change or revoke your consent at any time be heading to our CDR Consent Dashboard.
What types of data can be shared?
- Your personal details (all the usual suspects, like name, address, and contact info.)
- Your Momentum account and plan details
- Billing and payment details
- Details about your connection and usage.
Who can share their data?
There are some eligibility criteria for CDR: We'll need the data holder to be 18 years or older, have an active electricity account with us, have a Residential or Small Business account, and have a registered email that we can verify.
Embedded Network customers aren't eligible to share CDR data, some of these examples include:
- Shopping centres
- Retirement villages
- Caravan parks
- Apartment blocks
- Office buildings
- Education facilities
- Housing estates
Can I change what data is shared?
You can change or revoke your consent for the sharing of your data on the accredited third party's website or app.
To change your consent for Momentum Energy, you can visit our Consent Dashboard. And if you're still
having issues, please call our Customer Care line on 1800 794 824.
If you think any of the CDR data we have shared about you is incorrect, you can ask us to correct it. We'll let you know who we shared it with and how to ask for the correct data to be shared with them.
What if my data is mishandled?
If you believe your CDR data has been mishandled, you can call our Customer Care line on 1800 794 824.
You can make enquiries or lodge a complaint by calling the OAIC on 1300 363 992.