If you’re up to date with your payments but could use some help staying on top of things, we have a range of options which could help. These include:
- Payments of a set amount over a specified time period
- Payments at different intervals
- Extension of the pay by date for a bill
- Payment for energy use in advance.
This type of assistance can be offered by all of our customer facing team members, so just call 1300 662 778 to discuss any of these options.
If you’ve missed a payment, we’ll work with you to pay your debt.
Depending on the type of help you need, our assistance may include:
- Repayment of arrears over a period of up to two years, paying in regular intervals of up to one month
- Advice on options that will enable you to repay your arrears within two years Specific advice on your likely future energy use/cost and how this could be lowered
- Advice on Government and non-Government assistance to help meet energy costs (including payment by Centrepay if applicable). See below for more information on Emergency Financial Aid and the Utility
Relief Grant Scheme (URGS).
If you’re unable to pay for the ongoing cost of your energy while you repay any amounts owing we can also provide:
- Practical assistance to help lower energy costs, including an initial period of at least 6 months during which:
- repayment of arrears is put on hold, and
- you can pay less than full cost of your ongoing energy use while you work on lowering that cost, and
- other assistance which meets the objectives of this policy is provided.
During this time we’ll also ensure that you’re on the most appropriate tariff, provide assistance based on your pattern of energy use and give you information on how you’re progressing towards
lowering your energy costs.
We may also look at options for conducting energy audits via telephone or in your home and, where it will make a material reduction to your bills, discuss options to help replace inefficient appliances. These options
may require you to contribute financially, but we’ll factor this in when discussing your broader payment arrangements.
Depending on your circumstances, you may have to pay for your ongoing usage while receiving assistance of this nature, or you may be able to pay less than the full amount if that’s what you can afford. In
some circumstances we may be able to extend the assistance provided beyond the initial six-month period. Either way, after the initial six month period and any extension, you are still entitled to the other
assistance we can provide under this section.
If you miss a payment in the period where you’re paying below the cost of your energy use, we’ll contact you to discuss your options. If during this period you’re having trouble implementing measures
to reduce your costs we can discuss those too. It’s important to note that the difference between what you pay and the actual cost of your usage will be added to your arrears.
We have experience in helping many different customers who’ve had trouble paying their bills, so we’ll offer you the payment arrangement we think will be most helpful to you. If this is not the case,
or you miss a payment, you can propose an alternative which we’ll accept if it:
- includes paying equal amounts at regular intervals of up to one month
- will result in your arrears being fully paid within 2 years after the first payment
- includes payments for both ongoing energy use and arrears, and
- is based on a reasonable forecast of your energy use.
To ensure you’re clear about your obligations, we’ll send you a written schedule of payments which reflect the arrangement we have agreed to.