At Momentum, we’ve joined forces with several of our good friends to bring you products that may benefit both you and the planet. And all our partners are top operators who know their stuff inside out.

For Momentum customers who approach our referral partners through us, there are more benefits and bonuses. So if you’re looking to make a sustainable change, don’t miss out on the rewards. (We think you deserve it.)

What can they help you with?

EV Charging
EV Charging
Solar & Battery
Solar & Battery


We’ve partnered with Goodbye Gas to help Victorian households ghost their gas company (even if that happens to be us). Change your gas appliances out for new electric ones – sounds like a win-win.

Say hello to Goodbye Gas

Goodbye Gas

EV (Electric Vehicle) Charging

We’ve partnered with Evie Networks to help Australian households get more out of their electric vehicles.

EV charging with Evie


Solar & Battery

We’d love to see more of our customers taking up solar, so we’ve partnered with Solargain who are solar PV specialists.

Heat up your solar setup

Solar and Battery