Across Australia ordinary people are making small, smart choices that add up to a big difference for the planet. Electrifying Stories is about celebrating all the ways in which people are forging a more sustainable path.
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Across Australia ordinary people are making small, smart choices that add up to a big difference for the planet. Electrifying stories is about celebrating all the ways in which people are forging a more sustainable path.
We’re sharing their ‘Aha moments’ so you can spend your time and energy figuring out other important things, like what series to binge next. In 2023 we sponsored the the third season of The New Joneses – an EV road trip!
It’s guaranteed to fill you with electrifying inspiration. So, if you’re ready to spark something sustainable, dive into these tales.
The award-winning first season of The New Joneses kicks off with the simplest things we can all do for our people, planet and pockets.
Watch Season 1
Season two of The New Joneses shares humour and scientific solutions to get us out of the climate mess. Featuring episodes with Yael Stone, Stephen Curry and AFL Players for Climate Action.
Watch Season 2
In season three, The New Joneses take an EV road trip to visit every day Australian heroes leading a very chill charge for the renewable revolution. Including episodes with Saul Griffith, Nat Issacs of 1 Million Women and a very sweary purple puppet Randy Feltface.
Watch Season 3
In season four of The New Joneses, Ryan Moloney (aka Toadie) from Neighbours rides shotgun to meet the regional Australians welcoming wind and solar power to their neighbourhoods.
Watch Season 4
Download The New Joneses TICK OFF TEN list for your fridge. Or start with step one right here – make the switch to a greener energy provider.
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