Terms and Conditions
1. Power Tool is a free service from Momentum Energy that aims to provide you with insights into your weekly electricity usage via a weekly email and online portal.
2. Power Tool is available to eligible customers only, as determined by us from time to time.
3. While the information provided by Power Tool is based on usage data from your smart electricity meter, it is estimated and is intended to be a guide only.
4. Power Tool is not a bill and is not used to determine your electricity usage for the purposes of billing you.
5. Calculations include electricity usage charges, supply charges and solar feed-it credits (where applicable). All amounts are GST inclusive.
6. We do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided by Power Tool, and take no responsibility for any act or omission in connection with Power Tool.
7. We do not guarantee that you will receive an email from Power Tool every week with insights into your energy use.
8. We may cancel or change the operation or functionality of Power Tool at any time without notice to you.
9. By subscribing to Power Tool, you agree to us collecting and sharing your information (including personal information) with our third-party service provider in accordance with our Privacy Policy for the purpose of providing this service to you.
10. You can unsubscribe from Power Tool at any time by clicking the “unsubscribe” button:
on the Power Tool online portal;
at the bottom of the Power Tool email sent to you; or
by logging into MyAccount and clicking on the Usage page.
11. If you have any questions on Power Tool, please contact us by clicking here.