Renewable energy sporting medalsRenewable energy sporting medals

Which renewable energy sources would dominate sporting events?

There’s a certain collection of Games on right now that are the pinnacle of human athleticism. But what if energy sources (famously non-human) got a shot at sporting glory? Should energy ever get the chance to head to the world stage, here’s our take on which sports they’d bring home the gold for.

Hydropower: Canoe slalom

Water. Speed. Power. Sounds like hydro to us. Not to mention the course itself kinda looks like it could be generating some hydropower (wait... are we onto something here?). With a natural instinct for harnessing high speed energy, hydropower could definitely navigate those rapids with enough ease to make Jess Fox proud.

Solar: Weightlifting

Solar energy does a LOT of heavy lifting for renewable energy. They’re the popular kid with the big muscles of the energy world, which is exactly why they’d be the weightlifting champion of the games. Transitioning to renewables needs a strong and solid baseload – and it might just be solar’s time to shine.

Wind energy: Karate

It’s all swift movement and amazing force. And if you don’t watch yourself, you might get whacked in the face. Squint your eyes and that blur of whirling limbs could be a wind turbine in disguise. Wind energy definitely has the flexibility and strength needed to out-chop the karate competition.

Tidal energy: Table tennis

Steady and consistent is the name of the table tennis game, and tidal has the whole back and forth thing perfected. Table tennis might just be the most underrated event – it's thrilling to watch and requires a lot of skill. Tidal energy is also totally underappreciated, overshadowed by its more popular aquatic sibling – hydropower. Plus, they’ve already got the paddle (turbine) primed and ready to go.

Nuclear: Gymnastics

Nuclear is currently doing more gymnastics than ever before to seem appealing. There’s a massive image problem to vault over. Not to mention the twists and turns of the legal backflips they’ll need to perform if we were to go down this route. While it can work with precision and control, if someone misjudges the dismount it can be a disaster.


It used to be the main event, but now we're not even sure how coal made it through the trials. And as we’re making this the renewable energy games, coal is definitely disqualified.

Momentum Energy is 100% owned by Hydro Tasmania, who make more renewable energy than anyone in Australia - gold medal placing for renewables.

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